Welcome to Salesianum's Science Department! The state-of-the-art Abessinio Center is where scientific exploration, analysis, and research thrive every day. This beautiful and vibrant center houses a total of 10 science laboratory rooms and eight classrooms that contain a full set of 26 student lectures / 12 very well-equipped lab stations with an additional two independent study labs. Filled with natural light and the latest technology, the center continues to be one of Salesianum’s most beloved and well-used spaces.
A talented and highly educated science faculty challenges and inspires students, at their ability levels, to fulfill their vocations whether they chose to pursue careers in the sciences or simply wish to become well informed and responsible citizens. And, in the spirit of St. Francis de Sales teachings; we believe a strong foundation in the sciences provides the students the spark to become curious, life-long learners who go forth and use their talents and knowledge to help make the world a better place.
Salesianum currently offers seven AP Science courses – AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, AP Physics 1, AP Physics 2, AP Physics C Mechanics with calculus, AP Physics C Electricity & Magnetism with calculus. We offer ten additional science electives, including a new STEM Introduction to Engineering course, Biotechnology & Forensics, Anatomy & Physiology, Ecology, Aquatic & Marine Biology, Advanced Research in Biology (Independent Study), Advanced Research in Chemistry (Independent Study), Chemistry II, Meteorology and Microbiology.

Science Department Faculty

List of 8 members.

  • Photo of Rebecca Younger

    Mrs. Rebecca Younger 

    Science Chair & Science Teacher
  • Ms. Jennifer Albanese 

    Science Teacher
  • Photo of Mary Evans

    Mrs. Mary Evans 

    Director of Experiential Learning & Science Teacher
  • Photo of Alison  Kloiber

    Ms. Alison  Kloiber 

    Science Teacher
  • Photo of Ali Mazrui

    Mr. Ali Mazrui 

    Science Teacher
  • Photo of David Stevens

    Mr. David Stevens 

    Science Teacher
  • Mr. Shervin Varughese 

    Science Teacher
  • Photo of Samuel White

    Mr. Samuel White 

    Science Teacher

9th Grade Courses

List of 1 items.

10th Grade Courses

List of 1 items.

  • Courses

    Chemistry-CP, AC, HN

    Electives Offered: 
    Aquatic & Marine Biology-AC
    Disease and Human Civilization-AC
    Geology of National Parks-AC

11th Grade Courses

List of 1 items.

  • Courses

    Physics-CP, AC, HN

    Electives Offered:
    Advanced Biology Research
    Advanced Chemistry Research
    AP Biology
    AP Biology Lab
    AP Chemistry
    AP Chemistry Lab
    AP Environmental Science
    AP Physics I
    AP Physics C Mechanics
    Applied Chemistry-AC
    Aquatic & Marine Biology-AC
    Disease & Human Civilization-AC
    Earth Science-AC
    Forensic Science-AC
    Geology of the National Parks-AC
    Human Anatomy & Physiology-HN
    Physics in Art-AC

12th Grade Courses

List of 1 items.

  • Courses

    Electives Offered:
    Advanced Biology Research
    Advanced Chemistry Research
    Advanced Physics Research
    Anatomy & Physiology-HN
    AP Biology
    AP Biology Lab
    AP Chemistry
    AP Chemistry Lab
    AP Environmental Science
    AP Physics I & II
    AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism
    AP Physics C Mechanics
    Applied Chemistry-AC
    Aquatic & Marine Biology-AC
    Disease & Human Civilization-AC
    Earth Science-AC
    Forensic Science-AC
    Geology of the National Parks-AC
    Human Anatomy & Physiology-HN
    Physics in Art-AC

Phasing System

At Salesianum, phasing seeks to intellectually challenge students in a positive learning environment among peers. Each student is placed in a particular phase in Religious Studies, English, Social Studies, Mathematics, World Languages, and Science. Differences between phases of the same course can include breadth and/or depth of content instruction, pacing, academic rigor, and homework expectations. Additionally, the expectations regarding compositions, analysis, research, and rhetorical capabilities differ among the phases. The characteristics of courses in each phase are as follows:
  • College Prep Foundations (CP): CP courses with the “Foundations” designation are available in English, Mathematics, and Spanish for 9th and 10th-grade courses. Fundamentals are emphasized to develop foundations for success at the college level. Scheduling of these courses allows for the best student-teacher ratio available. These courses are characterized by reinforcement of study and organization skills, frequent assessments, scaffolding (moving students progressively toward greater understanding), and a variety of methodologies including guided discussion. Students build their composition, research, and rhetoric skills.
  • College Prep (CP): CP courses emphasize fundamentals in preparation for the college level. Students are actively led toward greater academic independence. These courses are characterized by frequent assessments, scaffolding (moving students progressively toward greater understanding), and a variety of methodologies. Students build their composition, research, and rhetoric skills.
  • Accelerated (AC): Accelerated courses are characterized by increased pace, depth, and connections among unit concepts. Students are cognitively engaged for independent work, and the instructor challenges students to rapidly reach higher-order thinking. Students consistently demonstrate their established composition, research, and rhetoric skills. When calculating GPAs, 0.2 points are added to AC courses.
  • Honors (HN): Honors courses challenge students with exceptional content depth and complexity. Course tasks proceed rapidly from content introduction to higher-order thinking which challenges students to connect concepts and to apply knowledge to new situations. Formative assessment (monitoring student learning) is included, but summative assessment (evaluating student learning) drives the grading for these courses. Students should build upon established composition, research, and rhetoric skills and anticipate exceptionally rigorous expectations. When calculating GPAs, 0.3 points are added to HN courses.
  • Advanced Placement (AP): These college-level courses are governed by the curriculum of the Advanced Placement Program (AP Program) of the College Board and all syllabi are College Board approved. For an AP course, after successful completion of the cumulative examination offered by the College Board, college credit or advanced standing may be granted. When calculating GPAs, 0.4 points are added to AP courses.