+Sophomore Quo Vadis Retreat

About: Quo Vadis is a two day, one night retreat for current sophomores attending Salesianum School. The goal of the Quo Vadis Retreat is to start the process. The process of helping students to see God, the Church and their brothers as resources in navigating the difficult truths that become more apparent during one’s adolescent years. The retreat will include time for the students to reflect on their own lives, their relationships with others, and their relationship with God.

Some Questions the Truth Retreat Seeks to HelpAnswer:
  • What is real for you in your life?
  • Do you need a better understanding of the things that hold you back or make life difficult for you and those close to you?
  • Where do you fit?  In this school? In your family?  In the world around you?
  • What is important to you?  What defines you? How can a mature understanding of faith help you become the person you want to be and a person the community needs you to be?
  • What frightens or threatens you and how can Salesian Spirituality be a light in darkness for you?
Visit the Center for Faith & Justice onCampus Resource Board for additional information and upcoming trip listing.