We invite the local community to help our current sophomores and juniors learn about different career opportunities in the summer. Below are the areas we have focused on in the past and the ones we would like to add to our program.

We have had the following internship opportunities available to students: Agriculture, Chiropractic, Construction Management, Financial Planning, Law Office, Medical Foundation, Photography, Physical Therapy, School Technology Office, and Small Business. Thank you to Ramunno & Ramunno Law Office, Ameriprise Financial, St. Ann School, The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company, Diamond Chiropractic, Elite PT, and S1 Medical for hosting interns in the past.
We want to expand the offerings to include some of the following fields: Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Dentist, Doctor (various fields of medicine), Electrical Engineer, Electrician, HVAC, Information System Analyst, Landscape & Architecture, Mechanical Engineer, Occupational Therapy, Orthodontist, Plumbing, Software Manager, Veterinarian, Web Development, Welder, Zoo.

We ask that you consider the roles that a student would have with your company. Please complete this form to indicate your interest in helping. The information gathered from this form will be used to advertise different opportunities to students. You will be contacted in the spring if a Salesianum student applies for your internship.

If the opportunity you have available would be better suited for our Salesianum Job Board rather than an internship, please email rcorreale@salesianum.org, and it will be added to the Job Board.   

If you have another career that you think would make a great addition to this list or have any questions, please get in touch with Robyn Correale at rcorreale@salesianum.org. Thank you for giving back! 

List of 6 members.

  • Photo of Deneen Brown

    Ms. Deneen Brown 

    Director of College & School Counseling
  • Photo of Robyn Correale

    Mrs. Robyn Correale 

    College & School Counseling Office Manager
  • Photo of Joe Cincotta

    Mr. Joe Cincotta 

    School Counselor
  • Photo of Beth Davis

    Beth Davis 

    College Counselor
  • Photo of Justin Romano

    Mr. Justin Romano 

    School Counselor
  • Photo of Jaclyn Tatnall

    Ms. Jaclyn Tatnall 

    College Counselor