Salesianum is pleased to offer testing accommodations for students taking the Entrance and Placement Examination. Necessary documentation will need to be submitted to the Admissions team before taking the exam Documentation requirements include:

  • A complete recent psycho-educational evaluation for students with learning differences including ADD/ADHD. The evaluation must have been completed within the last two years. For students with physical limitations, a letter or report from a medical doctor outlining the specific diagnosis, his/her title, and contact information is required.

  • A copy of the current IEP, 504 Plan, or a letter from the student's current school counselor, teacher, or administrator specifying those accommodations routinely used by the student in his current academic setting.

Documentation may be uploaded using the admission checklist on onCampus. Contact the Admissions Office with any questions.

Educational Support Staff

List of 6 members.

  • Photo of Jacqui-Linn Gaskill

    Mrs. Jacqui-Linn Gaskill 

    Director of Educational Support
  • Photo of Christine Hrinak

    Ms. Christine Hrinak 

    Associate Director of Educational Support
  • Photo of Timothy Byrne

    Mr.  Timothy Byrne 

    Educational Support Teacher
  • Photo of Peter Connolly

    Mr. Peter Connolly 

    Educational Support/English Teacher
  • Mrs. Jocelyn Delaney 

  • Photo of Nick Scavina

    Mr. Nick Scavina 

    Educational Support Teacher-Brisson