As part of our mission to develop the whole person, spiritual retreats are integral to each student’s personal development. Every student is required to engage in our Freshmen retreat each year. The other retreats are option, with a majority at least attending one by their senior year.
Freshman Retreat
Each freshman at Salesianum will attend a one-day retreat with the other members of their house. Facilitated by the Center for Faith & Justice and current seniors, the Live Jesus retreat introduces the core values of Salesian Spirituality.
Sophomore Retreat
The goal of the Quo Vadis Retreat is to start the process of helping students to see God, the Church, and their brothers as resources in navigating the difficult truths that become more apparent during one’s adolescent years.
Junior & Senior Retreat
The purpose of the Encounter Retreat is to help students find the presence of Christ in their lives. To guide a student’s spiritual journey into a deeper relationship with Christ as experienced in and through the Church, the Sacraments, prayer, and relationships both within the Salesianum brotherhood and outside with family, friends, and the world at large.