Rosaio House is named in honor of Rita Rosaio–the only house named after a woman. She was a beloved member of the Salesianum staff for over 40 years, serving six different principals as an assistant from 1969 to 2010. Her gentle example of unwavering faithfulness made a difference in the lives of generations of Salesianum students, teachers, and staff.

Rita was born and raised in the Little Italy neighborhood of Wilmington. She graduated from Wilmington High School in 1949. Rita was the secretary to seven principals from 1969 to 2010 at Salesianum School. She also raised seven children on her own, following the untimely death of her husband when she was 29. Her two boys went to Salesianum and her five daughters went to Padua Academy. Her devotion to the school brought her recognition as an honorary graduate. 

She and her husband, Frank J. Rosaio, were founding members of St. Mary Magdalen Church. As a testament to her devotion to her family, she received Delaware’s “Mother of the Year” in 2005 by American Mother’s Inc. As a testament to her boundless dedication, she was recognized at the Honors and Service Banquet in 2005. Still, no award or tribute could ever capture the depth of her care and concern for her Salesianum family. This house, named in her honor, also serves to recognize the hard work and dedication of countless staff, parents, and students that have made this school an example of what it means to “Live Jesus.” Her spirit of humility and generosity is still alive in the halls of Salesianum today.